
The simplicity and purity of the material constantly question contemporary popular elements. In an era of over-design and information overload, it seems to call out to me, urging a return to essence, exploring the existential value between things. Design's purpose is not just innovation in form but achieving resonance with the soul, touching delicate and genuine emotions.

The exploration of paper has become a reflection on life and the meaning of existence for me. Paper, an item overlooked in daily life, how can it allow design to transcend visuals and reach the depths of the soul? This is a challenge for designers and also a process of seeking my answers.


Japanese paper company Takeo Co., Ltd. recently introduced a new paper called "Iori," a type of embossed paper characterized by its elegant and delicate plant-like texture.

The design inspiration for its embossing is said to come from a traditional technique known as "Tsuchikabe" (earthen walls), used in ancient houses. This traditional method involved mixing natural elements like earth and straw and applying the mixture to walls, creating a structure that remained warm in winter and cool in summer while also imparting a pleasant, natural scent to the interior. This technique provided a sense of warmth from the walls and a harmonious coexistence with nature. The texture of "Iori" is inspired by this rich historical technique, recreating the straw and earth wall patterns on paper. Additionally, the white "Iori" paper has a light coating layer, allowing it to display a refined texture when printing suitable designs, making it a friendly choice for designers looking to experiment with embossed paper for printing and packaging.


日本紙商 株式會社 竹尾在近期發表了新紙「い織り」,屬於壓紋紙的一種,擁有優雅細膩的類似植物紋理為主要特色。





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