
The simplicity and purity of the material constantly question contemporary popular elements. In an era of over-design and information overload, it seems to call out to me, urging a return to essence, exploring the existential value between things. Design's purpose is not just innovation in form but achieving resonance with the soul, touching delicate and genuine emotions.

The exploration of paper has become a reflection on life and the meaning of existence for me. Paper, an item overlooked in daily life, how can it allow design to transcend visuals and reach the depths of the soul? This is a challenge for designers and also a process of seeking my answers.

Conqueror Laid

During the Victorian era, there were only handmade papers available, and only wealthy families could afford using papers at such a difficult time after the war. Later there was a stationery merchant who felt that writing should be a right of all people, and thus he founded Conqueror in London in 1888 to popularise papers. This pioneering action gave civilians chances to obtain papers much easier. This photo shows the mark of Conqueror series: the golden sword is very highly recognisable. In this article, I will be introducing Laid, the most classic and commonly-used paper series of Conqueror. Conqueror Laid is made out of 100% cotton pulp, giving the papers great ink absorbency, and therefore the papers require relatively longer ink drying time. Conqueror Laid performs a great adaptability to a range of processing methods such as coating, embossing, hot-stamping and screen printing.

The popularity of Conqueror Laid among the civilians after the paper series was produced also influenced the British royal family. This paper series is still beloved after so many years and is now used as letter papers by some of the most famous international brands such as Louis Vuitton and Mandarin Oriental, in order to convey their sincere invitation to their customers through letters.

Striped lines left by bamboo curtains used during papermaking is the most significant feature of Conqueror Laid. This feature does not only provides an embossed texture to the touch but also can guide the direction of strokes during writing and painting. The problem of ink smudging when writing with the dip pen in the past has been solved by the great ink absorbency of Conqueror Laid. Noted that nowadays a special processing has been added to the paper in order to create ink smudge effect when writing with a pen.


距今127年前的維多利亞時期,只存在手工造紙的技術,在歷經戰亂後的那個年代,只有富裕人家才有機會使用紙張。後來有一位文具商人,覺得書寫應該是所有人民的權利,於是在1888年的倫敦創立了Conqueror,將紙廣泛流通並且更容易取得,這在當時無非是平民百姓的福音,也是一項前所未見的創舉。照片是Conqueror系列所使用的標誌,金色的西洋軍刀是具有高辨識度的圖形,而接下來我們要談到今天的主題,也是Conqueror系列最為經典且被廣泛使用的「Laid」。印刷方面來說,它並沒有隨著歷史而帶來加工上的不便,紙漿質地是100%純棉,有著吸收油墨的特性,相對油墨乾燥時間較長需要注意,在其他例如上光、壓凸、燙金與網版印刷的方式均有良好的適應性,有趣的地方是,家用的噴墨與雷射印表機也能輕易使用,有別於沈重歷史感帶來的平易近人外,也是世界上少數在製造中留下品牌浮水印的紙張。Conqueror Laid製作完成之後因為受到民間喜愛,也間接影響當時英國的皇室成為其愛用者,而這樣的使用歷史流傳到了現代,則是受到了想要傳達經典形象的國際品牌Louis Vuitton以及Mandarin Oriental(東方文華)作為信紙之用,藉由書信的方式向客戶傳達慎重的邀請之意。

Conqueror Laid最大的特徵為抄紙過程中,使用竹簾所留下的條狀紋路,這個特徵除了帶來起伏的手感以外,也能引導書寫及繪畫時筆觸的方向,早期在使用沾水墨筆寫信時,容易造成出墨量過大而暈開的問題,在當時改善了吸墨性而得到解決,不過現代的Laid則是針對了油墨部分做了特別加工,對於鋼筆墨水反而會有暈開的效果,這點在使用上需要特別注意。




Conqueror Laidはその完成後、一般の人々からも好まれ、それが間接的に英国王室にも影響を与え、愛用されるようになりました。この使用の歴史は現代にも引き継がれており、クラシックなイメージを伝えたい国際ブランドのLouis VuittonやMandarin Oriental(マンダリン オリエンタル)は、この紙をレターヘッドとして使用し、手紙を通じて顧客に丁寧な招待の意を伝えています。

Conqueror Laidの最大の特徴は、製紙過程で竹すだれを使うことで残される縞模様です。この特徴は、凹凸のある手触りを生み出すだけでなく、書きや絵を描くときの筆使いの方向性を導く役割も果たしています。初期には、ペンで手紙を書く際にインクの量が多すぎて滲む問題がありましたが、当時は吸墨性を改善することで解決されました。しかし、現代のLaidはインクの部分に特別な加工が施されており、万年筆のインクにはむしろ滲む効果があるため、使用時には特に注意が必要です。

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