
The simplicity and purity of the material constantly question contemporary popular elements. In an era of over-design and information overload, it seems to call out to me, urging a return to essence, exploring the existential value between things. Design's purpose is not just innovation in form but achieving resonance with the soul, touching delicate and genuine emotions.

The exploration of paper has become a reflection on life and the meaning of existence for me. Paper, an item overlooked in daily life, how can it allow design to transcend visuals and reach the depths of the soul? This is a challenge for designers and also a process of seeking my answers.

Echizen Washi

Japan boasts over a thousand types of washi paper. Apart from its rich history, each region has its own distinct characteristics due to its unique environmental ambiance. Here are five selections of washi paper from the "Echizen" region that I'd like to introduce to you:

  1. Sugi-bark Washi:
    "Sugihi" paper, made using traditional methods, remains unbleached and retains the natural color of the bark. Its soft and durable texture, along with the faint scent of wood, are its defining features.
  2. Hanazumi:
    Similar to traditional Unryu paper, Hanazumi has shorter and finer fibers compared to Unryu paper, with fibers densely distributed on the surface. These fine fibers reflect light, creating various subtle changes in color from delicate brown to silvery-white, giving it an enchanting allure.
  3. Benibana Dye:
    Gathered from wildflowers growing in the surrounding natural vegetation, Benibana Dye intentionally preserves the original colors of the flowers. Each flower is delicately scattered onto the paper, capturing the poetic essence of their various forms.
  4. Saikou:
    Saikou incorporates a large amount of slender fibers into the papermaking process, creating a ripple-like effect when reflected by light. It exhibits a visually striking appearance and is commonly used in Japan for cultural gifts and confectionery packaging.
  5. Inaho:
    Derived from local rice fields, Inaho utilizes rice stems left behind after threshing, providing a new purpose for what would otherwise be discarded. Due to the varying thickness of the rice stems, the paper surface showcases a unique natural charm.










  1. 杉皮
  2. 花彩
  3. 紅花染
  4. 彩光
  5. 稲禾

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