
The simplicity and purity of the material constantly question contemporary popular elements. In an era of over-design and information overload, it seems to call out to me, urging a return to essence, exploring the existential value between things. Design's purpose is not just innovation in form but achieving resonance with the soul, touching delicate and genuine emotions.

The exploration of paper has become a reflection on life and the meaning of existence for me. Paper, an item overlooked in daily life, how can it allow design to transcend visuals and reach the depths of the soul? This is a challenge for designers and also a process of seeking my answers.

Imagining from paper

Imagining from paper
Imagining from paper
Imagining from paper

Imagining from paper

Paper samples are manufactured, by paper mills for different product uses and designed work scenarios. There are samples that showcase various effects using the same series, while others are integrated booklets categorized by usage. Today, I will introduce the latter.

When focusing on how to implement designs on paper, I look at the design drafts on the screen and first filter through my mental database to see which paper mill’s products are suitable for the visual performance this time.

If there is a clear target, of course, I will pick up the sample of that paper series and consider the printing and post-processing effects appropriately. Unfortunately, it is not always so smooth, and sometimes it is necessary to filter from a larger database step by step, according to usage or color.

This sample is provided by the Italian paper mill “Fedrigoni,” and it is also one of the samples I often use. It categorizes the samples into five booklets: white (White&Ivory), color (Colourise), and pearlescent (Pearlescent), containing almost all products produced until 2017.

When I open the sample booklet, I feel various details from the surface of the paper with my fingertips, such as smoothness, roughness, and rich fiber texture, and the necessary information such as thickness and size is clearly printed on the surface. Even the different combinations of special embossing and colors can be compared at a glance, like holding a deck of cards, and the seeds of inspiration have already begun to sprout.

Perhaps compared to the samples of a single product series, it may seem more plain, but the charm of this type of sample is the ability to quickly and intuitively find the suitable paper type.

The function of paper samples is to help people find the appropriate carrier for printing. Nowadays, there are also various tool works stacked with processing, as well as various attractive techniques.

But I am still a bit old-fashioned, and I prefer to start with the appearance of the carrier: paper, and then build the structure called inspiration.


Imagining from paper – 來自紙的想像





這一次的樣本,由義大利造紙廠 “Fedrigoni”提供,也是我時常使用的樣本之一,以白色(White&Ivory)、色彩(Colourise)、珠光(Pearlescent)作為五本小冊的類別區分。收錄了至2017年有生產的幾乎所有產品。















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