
The simplicity and purity of the material constantly question contemporary popular elements. In an era of over-design and information overload, it seems to call out to me, urging a return to essence, exploring the existential value between things. Design's purpose is not just innovation in form but achieving resonance with the soul, touching delicate and genuine emotions.

The exploration of paper has become a reflection on life and the meaning of existence for me. Paper, an item overlooked in daily life, how can it allow design to transcend visuals and reach the depths of the soul? This is a challenge for designers and also a process of seeking my answers.

Invercote Black Box

When Paper Meets Pasta

Invercote is a paperboard brand launched by Swedish company Iggesund. The paperboard is called ‘瑞典壹級卡(Ruìdiǎn yījí kǎ)’ in Taiwan and is well-known for being made into the thin yet stiff packaging boxes for iPhones.

The grades of paperboard can be divided into different levels by raw materials: Solid bleached sulphate (SBS) is a virgin fibre grade and also the supreme grade of paperboard, made purely from bleached chemical pulp; Folding boxboard (FBB) is the middle grade of paperboard, made up of mechanical pulp in between two layers of bleached chemical pulp; White lined chipboard is the lower grade of paperboard, typically made from layers of waste paper or recycled fibers. Invercote is SBS graded, and the paperboards commonly seen in the market are FBB graded.

Invercote delivers better stiffness, better pressure tolerance, as well as better printability.

The Black Box Project challenged designers to fill a simple black box with their out-of-the-box ideas made of Invercote. Combining design thinking and paper structure, the creativity of designers could flourish without any limitations apart from using the unique characteristics of Invercote and the size of the box. This sample was completed by a famous Italian advertising agency Brunazzi & Associati, one of Italy’s pioneers in corporate communications and corporate image. The team used a typical Italian dish: pasta with tomato sauce, as their core design concept responding to the project.

The box was made from Invercote coated with a black matte coating in a packaging structure. First thing in sight after opening the box was a paper-made pasta tong and a white box printed with a photo of the colander, making people wonder what else is inside the box?The packaging was a clever use of paper bending, allowing the CD to be perfected stored in the paper structure. In contrast to using plastic boxes, packages made from papers can be printed directly and shaped into the different structure by needs.

The manual inside the box is printed with the precise graphics instruction of how to cook pasta using this sample: once the fusilli are boiled, Invercote can take care of the rest!

Inside the white box is a bag of homemade fusilli and a package of powder tomato sauce. So far I’ve never seen a project combining such different elements – food, cooking, and papers – altogether. Perhaps the designers considered design and cooking as the same matter, which both requires time to finish? Using a paper box as a colander for draining? This attempt subverts the common sense of ‘paper cannot cope with water.’ This project presents how well and durable Invercote can perform.

Among all creative samples, The Black Box Project is really an eye-opener. Besides the clever use of paper characteristics, presenting the paper box as a cooking tool other than just a commonly seen printed matter, the project astonishingly combines the popular and lovable Italian pasta culture with the well-presented characteristics of Invercote, leaving its audience a deep impression.


當紙遇上義大利麵 / 瑞典壹級卡 Invercote

“Invercote” 是來自瑞典的 IGGESUND 公司所生產的紙板產品,在台灣通稱「瑞典壹級卡」,也是我們熟悉用於iPhone那輕薄卻又硬挺的包裝盒。卡紙(紙板) 的等級能依照原料不同分為幾個類別:SBS — 百分百全木漂白硫酸鹽紙漿 (最高級); FBB — 上下表層是全木漂白硫酸鹽紙漿,芯層則是機械漿、半漂白紙漿等(次級); 次級以下還有使用回收漿,等級更低。而瑞典壹級卡屬於SBS,一般市面上大量流通的是FBB。

瑞典壹級卡在同類型卡紙(紙板)的挺度、折壓耐性、印刷適性各項條件,非常出類拔萃,因原料等級不同,在印刷特性有相當大的差異,故以一級卡同名致敬FBB等級紙漿的卡紙類也相當的常見。「Iggesund Black Box Project」為展現瑞典壹級卡的特性,在有限的空間裡,將想法揉合印刷加工的技術,樣本中著墨在設計思維與結構材質的特性介紹,只需要一張好的紙就能令設計者們盡情揮灑,是能在紙上滿載創意極限的一系列樣本設計企劃!本次為義大利知名的 Brunazzi&Associati 廣告設計公司進行操刀,是義大利企業傳播與形象設計的先驅,將典型的義大利菜餚「番茄肉醬麵」結合樣本的設計中,作為樣本設計的核心理念。








スウェーデン一級カードは、同類のカード紙(板紙)において、剛性、折り耐性、印刷適性などの条件が非常に優れており、原料の違いによって印刷特性に大きな違いがあります。そのため、同じ名前を冠してFBB等級のパルプを用いたカード紙も多く見られます。「Iggesund Black Box Project」は、スウェーデン一級カードの特性を示すために行われたプロジェクトで、限られた空間で印刷加工技術とアイデアを融合させています。サンプルでは、デザインの考え方や素材の特性に焦点を当て、一枚の優れた紙でデザイナーが自由に創造力を発揮できる、一連のクリエイティブなサンプルデザインプロジェクトです。今回は、イタリアの有名な広告デザイン会社Brunazzi&Associatiが手掛け、イタリア企業のコミュニケーションとイメージデザインの先駆者として、典型的なイタリア料理「トマトミートソーススパゲティ」をサンプルデザインの核心理念として取り入れています。




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