Elegant and Delicate Impression / ジャンフェルト JEANFELT
As 2017 draws to a close, let's introduce the newly launched paper in Taiwan, "JEAN FELT." Starting with the name, "JEAN" is inspired by the 19th-century French artist Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780–1867). Ingres is renowned for his meticulous line work, precise contours, vivid colors, and rigorous compositions, which have left a lasting impression on the world. "Felt" refers to the pattern reminiscent of the regular lines seen in traditional carpets due to their weaving direction. By combining JEAN and FELT, this paper aims to convey a specific sensory experience.
Jeanfelt is characterized by its surface, which features delicate dyed fibers and a cross-woven felt pattern. When touched under contrasting light, it evokes a traditional and grand impression. The fibers, scattered uniformly across the surface, have their colors and blend ratios meticulously adjusted, creating a visually rich depth, especially when overlaid with traditional embossed paper techniques. It is available in 14 captivating colors, each telling its own story, making it a highly anticipated choice for future bookbinding and packaging designs.
In the sample book, Jeanfelt comes in four different thicknesses, ranging from 93 to 244 gsm, and is showcased using pop-up book principles. Notably, its color saturation in offset printing is outstanding, avoiding the dullness typical of similar uncoated papers. In the gold stamping section, you can see from the photos that the foil reflects the paper’s texture, indicating a tight bond between the paper and the foil, which speaks to its excellent adaptability to various processing methods. However, because it is embossed paper, it’s essential to consider the direction of tearing when handling it for printing processes. Overall, Jeanfelt is a paper prepared to meet all kinds of challenges.
Finally, a bit of history: Jeanfelt was first introduced in 1997, and recently, Takeo commissioned designer Yukimasa Matsuda to create this sample book. The sample book is designed with "symbols" as the central theme, with each of the fourteen colors representing a different symbol. Since the 19th century, symbols—whether through illustrations, mathematical symbols, maps, or other forms—have made visual communication more efficient and easier to understand. Perhaps the designer aimed to reflect the meticulous and structured style of the artist Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, bringing various layers of meaning into the design in a clever way.
典雅的纖細印象 / ジャンフェルト JEANFELT
到了2017的尾巴,來介紹這支近期在台灣上市的紙品 “JEAN FELT(ジャンフェルト)”,首先就命名的字面上來看,「JEAN」為十九世紀的法國藝術家 “Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres(1780~1867)” 為靈感而起,由於Jean的作畫風格以線條工整、輪廓確切、色彩明晰與構圖嚴謹著稱,在世人心中留下深刻印象;而Felt則是”毯紋”之意,如同傳統地毯由於編織方向所見到規則線條的紋路,將 JEAN 與 FELT的印象合二為一,則是本支紙所要訴求的感受。
最後來談論一下,關於Jeanfelt最早是在1997年發表的紙品,近期竹尾委託了設計師 “松田行正”製作了此本樣書,樣書其中以“符號”作為設計的原點,並使用了十四個顏色個別代表了不同的符號,因為自從十九世紀開始有了圖形計算以來,藉由插圖或是數學、地圖等各式不同的符號,能夠使視覺傳達更加的有效率且容易理解,我想或許設計者希望更加呼應藝術家“Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres” 嚴謹工整風格的關係,以巧妙的方式將不同層面的意義帶到設計當中。
エレガントで繊細な印象 / ジャンフェルト JEANFELT
2017年の終わりに向けて、台湾で最近発売された紙製品「JEAN FELT(ジャンフェルト)」をご紹介します。まず、その名前から見てみましょう。「JEAN」は19世紀のフランスの芸術家ジャン・オーギュスト・ドミニク・アングル(1780~1867)に由来しています。ジャンの作品は、正確な線、明瞭な輪郭、鮮やかな色彩、厳密な構図で知られ、多くの人々に深い印象を残しています。一方、「FELT」は「フェルト」のことで、伝統的なカーペットの織り目のように規則的な線が見えるものです。「JEAN」と「FELT」を組み合わせた印象が、この紙が伝えたい感覚です。