
The simplicity and purity of the material constantly question contemporary popular elements. In an era of over-design and information overload, it seems to call out to me, urging a return to essence, exploring the existential value between things. Design's purpose is not just innovation in form but achieving resonance with the soul, touching delicate and genuine emotions.

The exploration of paper has become a reflection on life and the meaning of existence for me. Paper, an item overlooked in daily life, how can it allow design to transcend visuals and reach the depths of the soul? This is a challenge for designers and also a process of seeking my answers.

NT Rasha

Exploring More Possibilities of Colored Paper / NT Rasha

From the colored papers traditionally found in bookstores or stationery shops, such as mock-up colored paper and Dandy paper, to the long-standing imported Kishu colored fine paper, these have always been the mainstays of the colored paper category. However, in recent years, when discussing printing, and more specifically, the printing processing of colored paper, it's essential to be well-acquainted with "NT Rasha," a paper from Takeo Co., Ltd. in Japan with a history of over 70 years.

"NT Rasha" is available in 120 colors, and its main features are:

  1. The color tones are mostly saturated, which is different from the color schemes of Dandy paper or Kishu paper.
  2. The color quality is stable with high colorfastness, achieved by pre-dyeing the pulp before papermaking.
  3. It has excellent adaptability for various processing techniques, delivering outstanding performance in all common processes.

With a history dating back to 1949, NT Rasha has been continuously improved with advancements in papermaking technology for over 60 years. It has gained significant popularity in the design industry. We hope everyone will join the "The Color" exhibition hosted by the graphic design LAB, centered around NT Rasha and featuring various printing processes. This exhibition not only showcases all 120 colors but also collaborates with designers from different fields to present unique and distinctive printing techniques. Participants will have the opportunity to experience the pure beauty of color and gain a practical understanding of basic printing concepts.


展出色紙的更多可能性 / NT Rasha

從以往在書局或文具店常見的色模造、丹迪紙,到引進許久的紀州色上質一直都是色紙類的座上嘉賓。但若近年談到印刷,進一步地說是色紙的印刷加工,就不能不好好認識一下這張同樣擁有七十年以上歷史,來自日本竹尾紙業的「NT Rasha」。

「NT Rasha」共有120種顏色,其最大的特色在於:

  1. 顏色調性大多屬於飽和色,別於丹迪或紀州的色系
  2. 色質穩定,色牢度佳,在紙漿時預染色後抄紙
  3. 擁有優秀的加工適應性,各類常用加工都有出色表現

從1949年的歷史至今已經六十多年,在不斷改良的造紙技術下,相當受到設計業的喜愛,希望各位一起參與 graphic design LAB 以Nt Rasha一紙為主題,結合各種印刷加工舉辦的The Color 展覽。展覽除了將120種色全數展出以外,與各個領域的設計師合作,共演獨特且別具特色的印刷加工,讓參與的朋友實際體會單純色彩的美,也能實際了解並認識初級的印刷概論。


時間:2016/12/21-2017/2/28 每天12:00-20:00(星期一公休)




詹雨樹、林羅伯、宋政傑、黃顯勛、倪子濟、陳信宇、連成崴、海流設計、林鼎國、朱疋、呂瑋嘉、Rivers Yang、何庭安、RYAN Z、見本生物、方維鴻、徐毅驊、林致命、劉克韋、曾國展、李珮雯、GGDOG、WUOUXIANG、林正達



照片提供:The Color 策展人 田修銓 設計師


色紙の新たな可能性の展示 / NT Rasha



  • 色調がほとんど飽和色で、ダンディ紙や紀州色上質紙の色系とは異なる。
  • 色の品質が安定しており、色の堅牢度が高い。パルプの段階であらかじめ染色された後に製紙されている。
  • 優れた加工適応性を持ち、さまざまな一般的な加工方法でも優れたパフォーマンスを発揮する。

1949年に誕生して以来、60年以上の歴史を持ち、改良を重ねてきた製紙技術によって、デザイン業界で非常に人気を博しています。皆さんもぜひgraphic design LABで、NTラシャをテーマにしてさまざまな印刷加工を組み合わせた「The Color」展覧会に参加してみてください。この展覧会では120色すべてが展示されるだけでなく、各分野のデザイナーとのコラボレーションによる独特で特徴的な印刷加工も披露されます。参加者は純粋な色彩の美しさを実際に体感できるだけでなく、初級の印刷概論についても実際に学ぶことができます。

Service Time 

AM10:00 / PM05:00



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