
The simplicity and purity of the material constantly question contemporary popular elements. In an era of over-design and information overload, it seems to call out to me, urging a return to essence, exploring the existential value between things. Design's purpose is not just innovation in form but achieving resonance with the soul, touching delicate and genuine emotions.

The exploration of paper has become a reflection on life and the meaning of existence for me. Paper, an item overlooked in daily life, how can it allow design to transcend visuals and reach the depths of the soul? This is a challenge for designers and also a process of seeking my answers.

NT Sfu:L – Brown

Conqueror Iridescent
Conqueror Iridescent

Save dessert for last!

The first time I touched this paper was at the "TAKEO PAPER SHOW 47th 'SUBTLE'" exhibition, and its unforgettable texture immediately left a lasting impression. Like a fluffy and delightful French dessert soufflé made from meringue, it offers a sweetness that’s just right—not overwhelming. Smooth yet subtly textured, it feels as if your fingers are gliding over cake and cream, bringing a smile to your face. This paper possesses an almost breath-like presence, combining delicacy with substance.

While its tactile appeal is undeniable, it comes with a caveat: just as one must be mindful of calories when enjoying desserts, this paper’s single-sided heavy coating means longer drying times for ink. When using automated sheet-fed printing presses, interleaving sheets may be necessary. UV printing is recommended to achieve the best results.



第一次觸摸到這張紙是在「TAKEO PAPER SHOW 47th “SUBTLE”」展覽上,有著令人一摸難忘的特性,像使用蛋白霜製作出蓬鬆美味的法式甜點「Souffle(舒芙蕾)」般的甜而不膩、滑順中又帶著恰到好處的紋路感,彷彿手指滑過蛋糕與奶油愉悅地笑出來,是像呼吸一般具有存在感的紙。觸感雖然令人愉悅,但就像食用甜品要注意熱量一樣;這是屬於單面重塗佈的紙,但需要留意油墨所需的乾燥時間較長,自動進紙的平面印刷機可能視需要插入隔板,建議使用UV印刷。



この紙に初めて触れたのは、「TAKEO PAPER SHOW 47th “SUBTLE”」の展示会でした。一度触れると忘れられない特徴を持ち、まるで卵白を使ったふわふわで美味しいフランスのデザート「スフレ」を思わせるような甘さ控えめで、なめらかさの中に程よいテクスチャーが感じられます。まるで指先がケーキとクリームを滑り、幸せな気持ちで笑顔がこぼれるような感触です。それはまるで呼吸するように存在感のある紙です。


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