Draft Land Guide 01

Client: Draft Land
Designer: Fran
Paper: Japan Micro Coated Paper
Printing: Offset Printing CMYK + Pantone
Post-Press: N/A

More Detail:

Draftland is Asia’s first cocktail bar specializing in Cocktails On Tap, expanding people's imagination of enjoying cocktails.

The Draft Land Guide is the first physical brand guide publication by Draft Land. The first issue primarily conveys the brand's core philosophy "To be Free", branch activity information, and shares with visitors various unique stores centered around the geographical locations of each branch, planting seeds for future possibilities.

The visual design emphasizes the brand's core philosophy "To be Free".
I pondered deeply on what freedom means, what kind of environment feels free, and how to visually represent Draft Land’s concept.

"If we are in a barren land, that might be loneliness, not freedom."
"Is it liberation from the crowded concrete jungle?"
"The foundation of the concrete jungle is steel and framework."
"Perhaps true freedom is when people break through certain frameworks of themselves."

After organizing hundreds of ideas in my mind, I decided to use a grid system as the main structure for blocks and information. In this seemingly logical and structured visual, I chose a bold, expressive font to highlight key points.
This font adds a touch of playfulness without being overly street-like or rigid.

In addition to the main title of this issue, to further emphasize "freedom from constraints", I used "notes", "annotations", and highlighted key points exaggeratedly, overlaying the big titles with painted fonts, arrow annotations, and circles around key points, even adding star emojis, making the process enjoyable for everyone involved.

In the end, I believe we truly achieved "To be Free".
No one dictates what a magazine design should look like, right?

Ultimately, the display of the work is something I privately wish to paste on the forbidden-to-post streets of Taipei, with some people wanting to secretly tear it down but unable to take it away, showing the appearance after some time has passed.

"To be Free"
"To be continued"

Service Time 

AM10:00 / PM05:00



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