
The simplicity and purity of the material constantly question contemporary popular elements. In an era of over-design and information overload, it seems to call out to me, urging a return to essence, exploring the existential value between things. Design's purpose is not just innovation in form but achieving resonance with the soul, touching delicate and genuine emotions.

The exploration of paper has become a reflection on life and the meaning of existence for me. Paper, an item overlooked in daily life, how can it allow design to transcend visuals and reach the depths of the soul? This is a challenge for designers and also a process of seeking my answers.

Savile Row – Plain

Mature, reliable and plain

If the elegance of Tweed is a kind of impression that fashion gave, then the “Savile Row — Plain” is the masterpiece that also got the same culture deposits. “Plain” in adjective is “clear and simple”, and in noun is “an area of land not significantly higher than adjacent areas”. On the surface, you could find out there is much fibre interweaved. When you used it for design printings, it not only could express the simple elegance but also gave you some pure, reliable feelings in touch. Especially, the reason why “Plain” got the fabric-like tactile impression, is that some fibres from recycled haute couture were put in in the papermaking process.



如果說 “Tweed” 帶來的布料紋路是一種優雅的時裝印象,那麼這張“Savile Row – Plain”就是將其內涵文化精神融入於紙中的代表之作。“Plain”用作形容詞是「簡單、樸素」,若在名詞的解釋則是「平原、原野」之意,在紙面上可以看到許多纖維茂密的分佈於整個範圍,結合設計印刷之後,表達出簡潔而有力的質感外,樸質的手感上也傳達了令人信賴的感官訊息。特別值得提起的地方是,「Plain」之所以擁有近似布料的纖維感,是因為在抄紙的過程中,使用了20%的回收的舊衣物、以及20%棉的成分,將原本訂製服的布料纖維添入了紙漿內,就形成了這張格外溫潤樸質的紙。



もし「Tweed」が布地の織り模様で優雅なファッションの印象を与えるならば、この「Savile Row – Plain」は、その文化的精神を紙に込めた代表作と言えるでしょう。「Plain」という言葉は形容詞では「シンプル」や「素朴」という意味を持ち、名詞としては「平原」や「原野」を指します。この紙面には多くの繊維が密集して分布しており、デザインや印刷と組み合わせることで、シンプルかつ力強い質感を表現しています。さらに、素朴な手触りが信頼感を伝える感覚的な魅力もあります。


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