
The simplicity and purity of the material constantly question contemporary popular elements. In an era of over-design and information overload, it seems to call out to me, urging a return to essence, exploring the existential value between things. Design's purpose is not just innovation in form but achieving resonance with the soul, touching delicate and genuine emotions.

The exploration of paper has become a reflection on life and the meaning of existence for me. Paper, an item overlooked in daily life, how can it allow design to transcend visuals and reach the depths of the soul? This is a challenge for designers and also a process of seeking my answers.

Takeo Shin Danshi

The Beauty of Traditional Etiquette

In the early days, Tan paper was made from the bark of the Mayumi tree from the Pittosporaceae family. Because the fibers were quite hard, it was quite difficult to produce. Later, the Kozo tree from the Moraceae family was used instead. In Japanese, it's called "Kozo". This allowed for the creation of high-quality paper with a wrinkled texture resembling pear skin and a certain thickness.

In Shintoism, Tan paper is considered a sacred object capable of warding off evil spirits. It is also used for naming ceremonies, writing materials related to shrines, and as hair ornaments for shrine maidens.

"Shin-Tan paper" recreates the characteristics of handmade Tan paper using modern papermaking techniques. It features the traditional Tan paper pattern on one side and its thick texture. "Kirara," on the other hand, not only inherits the pattern but also adds a beautiful pearl-like luster to the surface, making it suitable for various modern artistic purposes.











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