
The simplicity and purity of the material constantly question contemporary popular elements. In an era of over-design and information overload, it seems to call out to me, urging a return to essence, exploring the existential value between things. Design's purpose is not just innovation in form but achieving resonance with the soul, touching delicate and genuine emotions.

The exploration of paper has become a reflection on life and the meaning of existence for me. Paper, an item overlooked in daily life, how can it allow design to transcend visuals and reach the depths of the soul? This is a challenge for designers and also a process of seeking my answers.

Tant Select TS-1


The TANT SELECT series is renowned for its unique appearance and tactile feel, achieved through a special embossed papermaking technique. One of the members of this series is "TS-1." Imagine trying to create intricate patterns on a sheet of paper that mimic the texture of woven fabric; this gives you an idea of how challenging it is to produce this type of paper. The woven patterns are present on both sides of the paper, and when viewed against the light, the transparency creates an impression of a textile’s rustic charm.

When observed under a macro lens with light shining through, you can see not only the embossed “line” patterns on the surface but also that the intersections are compressed so much that only a very thin, nearly translucent layer of pulp remains. This paper is particularly well-suited as a substitute for fabric as a material. When used in high-end couture or finely crafted knitted bedding, it can convey a sense of weaving and handcrafted luxury. It is an excellent choice for both packaging and printed materials.


TANT SELECT系列主要以特殊的壓紋抄紙技術打造獨特樣貌與手感著稱,這是其中的成員之一「TS-1」。可以試著想像如何在一張紙上做出細緻紋理,並達到近似布織的質感?就能大致理解這是相當不易製造的紙。布織的紋路為雙面皆有,對著光線觀察,在視覺上的穿透感令人留下紡織品的樸質印象。以微距鏡拍攝放大,透過光線照射時可以發現,除了突出表面 “線” 的紋路以外,在交錯部分壓和後只剩下非常薄近似半透明的些微紙漿。這是相當適合作為代替布料為媒材的紙,如果應用在高級訂製服或是以講究針織布料的寢具,能夠傳達編織與手工的高級感,無論包裝或是印刷品都是非常出色的選擇。


TANT SELECTシリーズは、主に特殊なエンボス加工技術を用いて、独特な見た目と手触りを持つことで知られています。その中の一つが「TS-1」です。紙の上に細かな模様を施し、布のような質感を再現するのはどれほど難しいか、想像してみてください。それが、この紙がいかに製造が困難であるかをおおよそ理解する助けとなるでしょう。布織の模様は両面に施されており、光に透かして見ると、その透過感が織物の素朴な印象を残します。


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